Paul Kaplan’s book, The JEWS of NEW YORK offers a birds-eye-view of the saga of the Jews’ hegira in 1654 to New York where they settled, found solace and opportunity, and where they achieved enormous success in the Arts, Theater, Fashion, Education,Business and Politics, and more, and bringing with them a plethora of customs and traditions that stand to this day. The JEWS of NEW YORK is a fascinating story of how it all happened. You’ll visit the sites made famous, places of interest and things to do that bear a Jewish stamp in this most Jewish of cities, one of the largest in the world. Places like KATZ’s Delicatessen, YONAH SHIMMEL’s Bakery, and RUSS & DAUGHTERS’ storefront all located on East Houston Street and all over 100 years, offer centuries old foods for the soul while The Lower East Side Conservancy, the East Side Tenement Museum and the Eldridge Street Museum provide an historical tour of the areas where Jews practiced their faith and celebrated their history, while the Yiddish Theater on Second Avenue offered traditional plays in their native language. In brief, the book’s focus highlights the Jewish experience in New York that has lasted over 350 years for which Emma Lazarus in her book the NEW COLOSSUS so pointedly and vividly addressed with admiration and passion.
You’ll hear Paul Kaplan tell us about the experience together with a bevy of special guests starting June 1 on LET’S TRAVEL! Radio. And don’t forget to check our page on Facebook.