KLEZMER Music & Dance
KLEZMER Music & Dance
Music&Dance from parts of Europe( Eastern, Central ).
Originally folkloric from a number of countries including present day Israel, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Belarus,
Czech Republic, Slovakia, even Spain, the music is passionate, spirited, robust, even political. It has recently been revived by leading musical groups in the U.S. and Europe. In January, the Grammy award winning band, the Klezmatics, often referred to as the original ” Jewish Roots” band ( 11 albums, an award winning documentary ), performed at NYC’s Town Hall, sponsored by the Eldridge Street Synagogue and presented by The World Music Institute, an organization located in NYC, now in its 30th year, and who’s design is to present major international groups in music and dance to NYC audiences at all levels and at
various locations including Symphony Space, Lincoln Center, the Apollo Theater, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, et. al. In 2019 the WMI plans to present more than 40 programs from artists from 28 countries and five continents. For more go to their site: www.worldmusicinstitute.org. In addition the prominent Center for Traditional Music & Dance will also make available a number of concerts devoted primarily to immigrant groups from the NYC area at various NYC locations. Their annual Heritage Sunday Festival in August at the Lincoln Center Out-of-Door pavilion in Damrosch Park is a popular venue. The music is folkloric and modern, classical and traditional and has included the music of Mexico and Peru, the Dominican Republic, Columbia and Albania, and the music and dance from the Indo-Caribbean region.The CTMD has also developed a number of programs for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. Recently they recorded the soundtrack for the Voyager spacecraft.Their Archive holds the largest collection documenting New York’s immigrant performing arts traditions.CTMD is an affiliate program of UNESCO. www. CTMD.org