We’re back from our wonderful trip. Watch for our album of photos from Zacatecas shortly on our Facebook page and listen to the show with our interviews of our guide Carlos and the sous-chef of the Meson de Jobito, Armando Vargas, on Thursday, July 16th, Noon-1, (ET/US) on www.nytalkradio.net, click Listen Live.
Michael and I flew into Zacatecas early this morning on Mexicana Airlines. We are on a press trip with the Tourism Bureau in the State of Zacatecas and NewLink Communications.
We came here via Mexico City and as we left from there, the full moon and the rosy dawn competed for our attention. I feel like a princess under our canopied bed at the Meson de Jobito, where I slept after touring the city a bit and taking a luxurious bubble bath. Michael of course roamed around for the afternoon. A lady does have to have her beauty sleep after all.
One great thing: when you cross the street — and there is a lot of traffic — the green light is a little man, who starts walking and then, as the seconds tick down on the light, he starts running. And you do too!
We start the tour tomorrow. First up, the World Heritage site which will be the first WH site featured on our show and Web site as part of our agreement with the UN Foundation which oversees these sites.
Off to dinner now, more later!
Susi and Michael