07/01/2017 Discover HAITI
Discover HAITI, offers an interesting sidebar to second most populous country in the Caribbean at 10.6 million. It was the first European settlement in the Americas and the first country to declare Independence in the region in 1804, and second only to the U.S. in 1776.
It’s capital is Porte-of-Prince and its roots are African, Spanish and French. As a dynamic, HAITI’s outpour in the arts is unequaled in that part of the world.
Sabine Blaizin
Educator, Producer/ Director, Social Activist, Sabine is the voice of BROOKLYN MECCA, aka Grassroots Dance Culture, monthly showcase of sound, music and dance, and spokesperson for the 27th annual Women of Power Conference, and Haiti Cultural Exchange’s 1st NYC Haitian Arts & Culture fest, Selebrayson. She’s also a featured DJ for the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art’s 50th. Projects include Cumbancha, Olasound, Ocha Records.
[email protected]/ 347.279.8503, Underground Producers Alliance
Julio Jean, per Kendra Ross
Faculty, CUMBE Dance Company, Educator, Composer, Lead Dancer: ALVIN ALLEY Dance Company, SUMMERSTAGE, NJ PAC. His recent recording, Kenbe La, is an expression of his love of Haitian music and dance. Julio is also a visiting professor at Humbolt Univ. and Webster Univ. in St. Louis, Mo. As a Master Teacher he presents the styles of Haitain dance through a variety of programs at CUMBE.
[email protected], www.cumbe.org, cumbebrooklyn and cumbedance (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Michael McGuigan
Managing Director, BOND STREET THEATER. Provides theater-based projects for conflict resolution through the arts. Areas of activity include the Middle East, Europe, South & Central America and HAITI. Assisted in HAITI’s recent earthquake relief, 2010 and 2011. Developed programs for Favilek, Haitian women’s group in Port au-Prince. Michael is also a playwright, juggler, and stilt walker.
Charly Gonzalve
Managing Director, HAITI NOU LA/ Team HNL, NYC based Tour & Travel company to HAITI. Along with her partner, Renal, both academics, they travel frequently to HAITI to develop itineraries for individual and group travel. 2017’18 calendar include programs to Africa: Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Ivory Coast and Ethiopia.
[email protected]; www.
Myriam Nader Salomon, Haitian art dealer, collector and appraiser
ASA Member & Candidate; AOA Member, specializing in Haitian Art & Appraisals.
Rated A+ by the BBB of New York and Mid-Hudson Valley. Est. 1987. The gallery
offers a concierge service as well. Myriam travels to HAITI on a regular basis and is
considered an art connoiseur.
www.naderhaitianart.com, (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram)