11/01/15 – Tall Tales and Travel Tips
Veteran globe trotters and travel writers, Clint Brownfield and Louise Weiss sat down with LTR’s Co-producer, Susi Raphael, this month to reveal what they’ve learned from traveling the world, including: packing tips; why they feel the “charm” has gone out of European travel; rules for bringing foreign currency on a trip plus banking and credit card info; where to “stash” one’s important documents and, what group spends the most on travel! Weiss & Brownfield also reminisced about where they’ve been, people they’ve met during their travels and how to get the most out of a trip by going out of one’s way.
Louise Weiss
Weiss began her long lucrative career writing and researching at Popular Science magazine. Later becoming a publicist for Random House Juvenile Books and Thomas Y. Crowell Adult Trade Books, she moved to Abelard-Schuman Publishing Company as their publicity director. Before embarking on her freelance career, Weiss was assistant travel editor of Esquire magazine.
Her book, “Access To The World: A Travel Guide For The Handicapped”, the first of its kind, received the Thomas Cook (England) Travel Book Award, a Citation from the President’s Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, and the Lowell Thomas Award from the Society of American Travel Writers. She also co-authored Helena Rubenstein’s “Book of The Sun”, published by The New York Times Books, and was a contributor to Traveller’s Health, published by Oxford University Press. Seeking diversity with her talent, Weiss ventured into writing cabaret shows, editing white papers for an international conglomerate and contributing articles to newsletters and travel trade publications as well as teaching English to international business executives.
Clint Brownfield
Full-time freelance travel writer
Based in New York City, his favorite destination, Brownfield has been a full-time freelance travel writer since 1997. He considers it a privilege to have been able to report from all seven continents including 100 countries, 45 states–more than 200 trips in all.
He has contributed to, among others: the New York Post, About.com, Food Arts magazine, Gannett, Fodor’s and is currently a regular writer for Slantnews.com.
Brownfield also enjoys reporting about food (and beverages) as he circles the globe, thanks to childhood adventures accompanying his grandfather, a serious fisherman, who caught trout for Clint to eat!
Brownfield has a B.A. from the University Missouri School of Journalism and attended Pratt Institute’s graduate school where he is “in thesis.”
Contact information: [email protected]
Tall Tales and Travel Tips
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Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee atFreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of Simon Howden atFreeDigitalPhotos.net